マイクロ波加熱による新しい素材合成 l 金属加熱

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[1] 樫村京一郎、篠原真毅:マイクロ波による環境調和型金属精錬, ケミカルエンジニヤリング (2013 年11 月号)

[2] 樫村京一郎: マイクロ波加熱と材料プロセッシング、金属, アグネ技術センター (2013年8月号 特集)

[3] 週刊環境循環新聞: 「震災廃棄物をマイクロ波処理」 (平成25年 3月11日)

[4] 日本テレビ: 「震災から2年、がれき処理の現状(ズームイン!!サタデー)」, (平成25年3月1日)

[5] 日刊工業新聞:「震災がれき処理にマイクロ波が一役-非飛散性アスベストの無害化コスト半減」(平成25年2月14日掲載)
*朝日新聞デジタル: 同研究にて同日掲載

[6] NHK サイエンスゼロ: 「電子レンジで鉄が作れる!? 未知のマイクロ波効果を活用せよ」 (平成25年1月23日放送)

[7] FNS 仙台:「がれきのアスベストを無害化 研究進む」, ニュース (平成25年12月20日)

[1] A. Yanagawa, K. Kashimura*, T. Mitani, N. Shinohara and T. Yoshimura: Experimental Studies on Biological Responses to the Applications on High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Ceramics Transactions, 5882 (2014) 614-794 (To be published)

[2] K. Kashimura*, N. Sabelstrom, K. Imazeki, K. Takeda, M. Hayashi, T. Mitani, N. Shinohara and K. Nagata: Quasi-Stable Temperature of Steady State of Hematite by Microwave Heating, Chemical Engineering & Processing, 76 (2014) 1– 5

[3] M. Yanagawa, K. Kashimura*, M. Hayashi, M. Sato, T. Mitani, N. Shinohara and K. Nagata: Control of Hot Spots for Continuous Microwave Iron Making – Effects of Ore-Carbon Mixture Rotations on Refractory and Pig Iron Production –, International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, 2 (2013) 119 – 134

[4] M. Hayashi*, K. Takeda, K. Kashimura T. Watanabe and K. Nagata: Carbothermic reduction of hematite powders by microwave heating, ISIJ International, Vol. 53, 7 (2013) 1125–1130

[5] K. Kashimura*, N. Hasegawa, S. Suzuki, M. Hayashi, T. Mitani, K. Nagata and N. Shinohara: Microwave Heating Behavior of Conductive Multi-particles using Spatially Separated Electric and Magnetic nodes - Effects of Relative Density on Absorption Properties of Various Carbon Powder Compacts -, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, 1 (2013) 024902 - 1 - 5

[6] J. Fukushima*, K. Kashimura, S. Takayama, M. Sato, S. Sano, Y. Hayashi and H. Takizawa: In-Situ Kinetic Study on Non-Thermal Reduction Reaction of CuO during Microwave Heating, Materials Letters, 91 (2013) 252–254

[7] K. Kashimura*, J. Fukushima, T. Mitani, M. Sato and N. Shinohara: Metal Ti-Cr Alloy Powders Nitriding under Atmospheric Pressure by Microwave Heating, Journal of alloys and compounds, 550 (2013) 239–244

[8] K. Kashimura*, S. Suzuki, M. Hayashi, T. Mitani, K. Nagata and N. Shinohara: Surface-Plasmon-Like Modes of Graphite Powder Compact in Microwave Heating, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.112, 3 (2012) 034905 - 1 - 5

[9] K. Kashimura*, M. Sato, M. Hotta, D. K. Agrawal, K. Nagata, M. Hayashi, T. Mitani and N. Shinohara: Iron Making from Fe3O4 and Graphite using Microwave Energy at 915MHz, Material Science & Engineering A, 556 (2012) 977–979

[10] J. Fukushima*, K. Kashimura, S. Takayama and M. Sato: Microwave-energy Distribution for Reduction and Decrystallization of Titanium Oxides, Chemistry Letters, Vol. 41 (2012) 39 - 41

[11] J. Fukushima*, K. Kashimura, and M. Sato: Chemical bond cleavage induced by electron heating -Gas emission behavior of titanium-metalloid compounds (titanium nitride and oxide) in a microwave field -, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 131 (2011) 178–183

[12] K. Kashimura*, J. Fukushima and M. Sato: Oxygen Partial Pressure Change with Metal Titanium Powder Nitriding under Microwave Heating, ISIJ International, Vol.51, No.2 (2011) 181 - 185

[13] K. Kashimura*, K. Nagata and M. Sato: Concept of Furnace for Metal Refining by Microwave Heating-A Design of Microwave Smelting Furnace with Low CO2 Emission -, Materials Transaction, Vol. 51, No. 10 (2010) 1847 - 1853

[14] K. Kashimura* and K. Nagata: Removal of Fe3O4 Film Using Atmospheric Transferred Plasma at Low Temperature. ISIJ International, Vol. 50, No. 1 (2010)169 – 173

[15] K. Kashimura* and K. Nagata: The oxygen partial pressure on the surface of Na2O-SiO2 molten glass heated by thermal plasma of Ar, Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 6 (2009) 1346 – 1350

[16] K. Kashimura*, Y. Kitayama and K. Nagata: Excess Vaporization of Na from Na2O-SiO2 Molten Slag by Transfer Thermal Plasma of Ar, Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 4 (2009) 814 – 818

[17] K. Kashimura*, T. Yamashita and K. Nagata: The floating potential on the surface of 25mol%Na2O-SiO2 glass heated by thermal plasma of Ar: Materials Transactions, Vol. 49, No. 11 (2008) 2579 - 2583

[18] K. Kashimura*, Y. Nakada and K. Nagata: Excess Electrochemical Vaporization of SiO from Na2O-SiO2 Molten Slag by Transfer Thermal Plasma of Ar: Materials Transactions, Vol. 49, No. 6 (2008) 1327 - 1332

[19] M. Sato, J. Fukushima, K. Kashimura, T. Mitani, K. Nagata, D. Agrawal: Thermodynamics on MW Processing with Non-Thermal Effects, 2nd Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications (2012) In printing

[20] N. Shinohara, N. Yoshikawa, S. Horikoshi, T. Mitani, T. Kishima, K. Kashimura* and M. Sato: Applications of Microwave Powers for the Rubble Processing to the Great East Japan Earthquake - Test System for Rendering Asbestos Harmless in the Crashed Slate, 2nd Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications (2012) In printing

[21] J. Fukushirna*, M. Sato, K. Kashimura, T. Mitani and H. Takizawa: Effect of Alllplitude Modulation of Microwave on Non-thermal Reduction of Copper Oxides, 2nd Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications (2012) In printing

[22] M. Sato*, N.Yoshikawa and K. Kashimura: Containment of Fukushima Radio Active Pollutions in Microwave Sintered Cray and Glass, proceeding of 2nd Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications (2012) In printing

[23] M. Sato*, J. Fukushima, K. Kashimura and M. Tanaka: Studies on reaction kinetics under coherent microwave irradiations, the International Society for Optics and Photonics (2011) 8121 - 8135

[24] J. Fukushima*, K. Kashimura and M. Sato: Reduction Enhancement of Copper oxide during Microwave Heating, International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating (2011) 11-14

[25] J. Fukushima*, K. Kashimura, M. Sato and M. Tanaka: Theory of Microwave Non-Thermal Effects, International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating (2011) 209-212

[26] M. Sato*, J. Fukushima and K. Kashimura: Energy Transfer Analysis to Clear Microwave Effects in Materials: International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (2011) 6/26 – 7/1 (Invited)

[27] M. Sato*, K. Kashimura and A. Matsubara: Studies for Generations, Transmissions and Absorptions of Coherent Motions in Solid and Liquid Materials by Microwaves, Materials Science & Technology (2010) 2895 -2902

[28] J. Fukushima*, S. Takayama, A. Matsubara, M. Sato and K. Kashimura: Reduction Behavior of TiO2 during Microwave Heating, Materials Science & Technology (2010) 2831 -2836

[29] K. Kashimura*, J. Fukushima and M. Sato: Mechanism of Metal Titanium Powder Nitriding under Microwave Heating at High Oxygen Partial Pressure, Materials Science & Technology (2010) 2827 -2829

[30] M. Sato*, K. Kashimura, S. Taayama and T. Shimozuma: THE ARCHITECTURE OF MICROWAVE BLAST FURNACE, Ampere 11th conference (2009) 46-48

[31] K. Nagata*, K. Kashimura: The Mechanisms of Electrochmical Vaporization from Sodium Silicate Melt Heated by Transfer Thermal Plasma of Ar; 8th Interl. Conference on Molten Slags.Fluxes and Salts, MOLEN (2009) 565-576

(1) 樫村京一郎, 永田和宏: プラズマ電気化学を用いたYSZ-ジルコニアの還元反応, 日本金属学会, 東工大 (東京), 2004/3/30

(2) 樫村京一郎, 永田和宏: プラズマ電気化学におけるプラズマ-金属酸化物間の界面反応, 電気学会研究会,核融合研究所 (岐阜県), 2005/07/1

(3) 林幸, 石崎幸太郎, 樫村京一郎,永田和宏: マイクロ波による炭材内装ペレットの加熱機構, 日本金属学会, 広島大学(広島), 2005/9/29

(3) 樫村京一郎, 永田和宏: プラズマ電気化学におけるプラズマ-金属酸化物間の界面反応, 日本金属学会, 広島大学 (広島), 2005/9/30

(4) 樫村京一郎, 永田和宏: 大気圧Arプラズマを用いた鉄棒からの酸化皮膜の除去プラズマからの熱流速に対する被加熱物質の挙動, 岐阜大学 (岐阜) , 2007/9/20

(5) 永田和宏, 樫村京一郎: 移行型Ar プラズマによるNa2O–SiO2 溶融スラグからの電気化学的過剰蒸発, 第39回溶融塩討論会, ホテル松島大観荘 (ホテル松島大観荘), 2007/11/29

(6) 樫村京一郎: 移行型熱プラズマによる溶融シリケートの電気分解に関する研究、博士論文、東京工業大学, 2008/02/20

(7) 樫村京一郎, 佐藤元泰, 福島潤, 松原章宏: マイクロ波加熱下における平衡酸素分圧の検証, 日本鉄鋼協会, 東京工業大学 (東京), 2009/3/20

(8) 佐藤元泰, 永田和宏, 樫村京一郎, 松原章宏, 高山定次, 福島潤: 竪型マイクロ波高炉の概念設計, 日本鉄鋼協会, 東京工業大学 (東京), 2009/3/20

(9) 福島潤, 中村浩章, 松原章浩, 樫村京一郎, 高山定次, 佐藤元泰: 酸化チタンの還元・酸素移動に及ぼすマイクロ波の効果, 日本金属学会, 京都大学 (京都), 2009/9/15

(10) 樫村京一郎, 佐藤元泰: 省エネルギー低炭素排出型製鉄法の炉設計~ローブリバー産赤鉄鋼石の安息角測定~, 日本金属学会, 京都大学 (京都), 2009/9/16

(11) 樫村京一郎, 佐藤元泰: 省エネルギー低炭素排出型製鉄法の炉設計~マイクロ波炉内電磁場分布シミュレーション~, JEMEA, 東京理科大学 (東京), 2009/11/20
E-Mail: kashimura(あっと)rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp *スパム対策のために@をあっとにしています。