2002年 研 究 業 績 リ ス ト】


I.    原著論文[欧文] 



1.        Naoko Honda, Kasumi Yagi, Guig-Rong Ding and Junji Miyakoshi: Radiosensitization by Overexpression of the Nonphosphorylation Form of IκB-α Human Glioma Cells. Journal of Radiation Research, 43, 283-292 (2002)

2.        Fu-Rong Tian, Takehisa Nakahara, Masami Yoshida, Naoko Honda, Hideki Hirose and Junji Miyakoshi: Exposure to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields Suppresses X-Ray-Induced Apoptosis Transiently in Ku80-Deficient xrs5 Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 292, 355-361 (2002)

3.        Junji Miyakoshi, Masami Yoshida, Yoshiaki Tarusawa, Toshio Nojima, Kanako Wake and Masao Taki: Effects of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on DNA Strand Breaks Using Comet Assay Method. Electrical Engineering in Japan, 141, 9-15 (2002)

4.        Fu-Rong Tian, Takehisa NakaharaKanako Wake, Masao Taki and Junji Miyakoshi: Exposure to 2.45GHz electromagnetic fields induces hsp70 at a high SAR of more than 20 W/kg, but not at a lower SAR of 5W/kg, in human glioma MO54 cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 78, 433-440 (2002)

5.        Takehisa Nakahara, Hiroko Yaguchi, Masami Yoshida and Junji Miyakoshi: Effects of Exposure of CHO-K1 Cells to a 10 T Static Magnetic Field. Radiology. 224, 817-822 (2002)

6.        Guig-Rong Ding, Takehisa Nakahara and Junji Miyakoshi: Exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and X-rays induces GAP-43 gene expression in human glioma MO54 cells. Bioelectromagnetics 23, 586-591 (2002)




II.     著書[欧文]


1.      WHO-IARC, IARC Monograph on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Vol. 80, Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 1, Static and Extremely Low-frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields. IARC Press, Lyon, France  (2002)


III. 総説・解説論文


1.      宮越順二:細胞の電磁波環境に対する応答機構。「臨床化学」 31巻、 No. 3168-178 (2002)




IV-1. [招待講演]



1.      宮越順二:電磁波の生体影響とIARCの影響評価について:2002年度日本建築学会・電磁環境研究発表会、20021121日、東京都、建築会館

2.      Miyakoshi J: Cellular and molecular effects of ELF electromagnetic fields. International Union of Radio Science XXVIIth General Assembly, 17-24 August, 2002, Maastricht Exhibition ans Congress Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands

3.      宮越順二:電磁波の生体影響〜細胞の電磁波応答ならびに国際がん研究機関(IARC)の評価について〜. 2回京都大学宇宙太陽発電所(SPS)シンポジウム、200267日、宇治市、京都大学宇治キャンパス木質ホール

4.      Miyakoshi J, Yoshida M, Nakahara T, Wake K, and Taki M: Genotoxic effects of ELF and RF fields in cultured mammalian cells. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society, 23-27 June, 2002, Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Quebec, Canada






1.      中原岳久、丁桂榮、宮越順二:強定常磁場のDNA2本鎖切断の修復に対する影響:新磁気科学シンポジウム, 2002116日〜8日、つくば市、物質材料研究機構

2.      Ding G-R, Nakahara T and Miyakoshi J: Effects of exposure to ELF magnetic fields and/or X-rays on induction of kinetochore positive and negative micronuclei in CHO Cells:新磁気科学シンポジウム, 2002116日〜8日、つくば市、物質材料研究機構

3.      Ding G-R, Nakahara T and Miyakoshi J:Effects of exposure to ELF magnetic fields on H2O2-induced apoptosis and necrosis in HL-60 cells: 新磁気科学シンポジウム, 2002116日〜8日、つくば市、物質材料研究機構

4.      池畑政輝、小穴孝夫、竹山春子、松永是、高島良生、宮越順二:出芽酵母における強磁場曝露の影響:新磁気科学シンポジウム, 2002116日〜8日、つくば市、物質材料研究機構

5.      池畑政輝、小穴孝夫、岩坂正和、上野照剛、廣田憲之、宮越順二:垂直磁場中での出芽酵母の沈殿と遺伝子発現特性:新磁気科学シンポジウム, 2002116日〜8日、つくば市、物質材料研究機構

6.      丁桂榮、吉田雅美、中原岳久、宮越順二Induction of Kinetochore Positive and Negative Micronuclei by X-rays and/or ELF Magnetic Field in CHO Cells: 日本放射線影響学会第45回大会、2002918-20日、仙台市、メルパルクSENDAI

7.      Takimoto K, Nakahara T, Yaguchi H, Mano J, and Miyakoshi J: The effects of ELFMF on germination of plant seed. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

8.      Miyakoshi J: Cellular and molecular effects of electromagnetic fields. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

9.      Zhang Q-M, Doi, T, Chang P-W, Nakamura N, Hori M, Nakahara T, Miyakoshi J, and Yonei S: Strong static magnetic field induces mutations through elevated production of reactive oxygen species in Escherichia coli. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

10.  Iwasaka M, Miyakoshi J, and Ueno S: Effects of strong static magnetic fields on diamagnetic biological materials and cells. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

11.  Nakahara T, Ding G-R, and Miyakoshi J: Effects of strong static magnetic fields on double strand break repair. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

12.  Ding G-R, Nakahara T, Koyama S, Hirose H, and Miyakoshi J: ELF magnetic fields decrease cell survival by promoting H2O2-induced apoptosis and necrosis in HL-60 cells. October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

13.  Sakuari T, Satake A, Inoue K, and Miyakoshi J: The effects of magnetic field on pancreatic islets and insulinoma cells. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

14.  Takashima Y, Ikehata M, Miyakoshi J, and Koana T: Effects of 50Hz magnetic fields on the UV-induced gene conversion and cell cycle arrest in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, October 8-9, 2002, Kyoto Internationaal Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

15.  中原岳久、吉田雅美、宮越順二:強定常磁場のDNA2本鎖切断の修復や遺伝子発現に対する影響:日本放射線影響学会第45回大会、2002918-20日、仙台市、メルパルクSENDAI

16.  池畑政輝、高島良生、宮越順二、小穴孝夫:DNA修復応答に対する磁場曝露の影響:日本放射線影響学会第45回大会、2002918-20日、仙台市、メルパルクSENDAI

17.  Ikehata M, Takashima Y, Iwasaka M, Ueno S, Takeyama H, Mtsunaga T, Koana T, and Miyakoshi J: Effects of electric and magnetic fields on mutation and gene expression. International Union of Radio Science XXVIIth General Assembly, August 17-24, 2002, Maastricht Exhibition ans Congress Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands

18.  Maruyama Y, Suzuki Y, Wake K, Watanabe S, Miyakoshi J, and Taki M: Novel cell exposure apparatus for in vitro experiments. International Union of Radio Science XXVIIth General Assembly, August 17-24, 2002, Maastricht Exhibition ans Congress Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands

19.  Nakahara T, Yoshida M, and Miyakoshi J: Static magnetic field has little effect for expression and ligation efficiency in in vitro. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 23-27, 2002, Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Quebec, Canada

20.  Iwasaka M, Ueno S, Ikehata M, and Miyakoshi J: Gradient magnetic forces on water-CO2-O2 system affected yeast proliferation. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 23-27, 2002, Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Quebec, Canada

21.  Takashima Y, Ikehata M, Koana T, and Miyakoshi J: Enhancement of UV-induced chromosomal recombination in yeast by exposure to ELF magnetic fields. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 23-27, 2002, Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Quebec, Canada

22.  Hirose H, Nakahara T, Yoshida M, Miyakoshi J: human glioblastoma A172 cells embedded in Type I collagen gel are oriented under 10T static magnetic fields. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 23-27, 2002, Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Quebec, Canada

23.  池畑正輝、高島良生、宮越順二、小穴孝夫:酵母を用いた強磁場の生体影響の評価突然変異、遺伝子発現、細胞周期の検討:第17回日本生体磁気学会、2002525-26日、静岡市、静岡コンベンションアーツセンターGRANSHIP

24.  中原岳久、吉田雅美、弘瀬秀樹、宮越順二DNA2本鎖切断の修復に対する強定常磁場の影響:第17回日本生体磁気学会、2002525-26日、静岡市、静岡コンベンションアーツセンターGRANSHIP

25.  弘瀬秀樹、中原岳久、吉田雅美、宮越順二:強定常磁場によるコラーゲン・ゲル包埋培養グリア芽細胞の配向:第17回日本生体磁気学会、2002525-26日、静岡市、静岡コンベンションアーツセンターGRANSHIP

26.  吉田雅美、和氣加奈子、多氣昌生、宮越順二:高周波電磁界曝露による細胞の増殖、突然変異、DNA鎖切断への影響:マグネティクス研究会、2002419-20日、東京都、東京都立大学

27.  弘瀬秀樹、中原岳久、吉田雅美、宮越順二:強静磁場によるコラーゲン・ゲル包埋培養グリア芽細胞の配向:マグネティクス研究会、2002419-20日、東京都、東京都立大学

28.  中原岳久、吉田雅美、弘瀬秀樹、宮越順二DNA2本鎖切断の修復に対する強定常磁場の影響:マグネティクス研究会、2002419-20日、東京都、東京都立大学

29.  高島良生、池畑政輝、宮越順二、小穴孝夫:ELF磁場の酵母に対する変異原性および曝露時の細胞周期の解析:マグネティクス研究会、2002419-20日、東京都、東京都立大学