2009年 研 究 業 績 リ ス ト


I.    原著論文

I-1.   原著[欧文]


1.      Eric van Rongen, Rodney Croft, Jukka Juutilainen, Isabelle Lagroye, Junji Miyakoshi, Richard Saunders, Rene de Seze, Thomas Tenforde, Luc Verschaeve, Bernard Veyret and Zhengping Xu: Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the human nervous system. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Vol. 12(8) (2009)

2.      T. Sakurai, T. Kiyokawa, K. Kikuchi, J. Miyakoshi: Intermediate frequency magnetic fields generated by an induction heating (IH) cooktop do not affect genotoxicities and expression of heat shock proteins. International Journal of Radiation Bioloy, (inpress)(2009)

3.      T. Sakurai, J. Miyakoshi: Biological effects of strong static magnetic fields on insulin-secreting cells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 156, 012014 (2009)

4.      T. Sakurai, T. Ueda, M. Kawai, H. Tobita, J. Miyakoshi: Protective effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on the decrease in myogenic differentiation by ionizing radiation.  International Journal of Radiation Bioloy, 845, 153-158 (2009)

5.      Monzen S, Takahashi K, Toki T, Ito E, Sakurai T, Miyakoshi J, Kashiwakura I.: Exposure to a MRI-type high-strength static magnetic field stimulates megakaryocytic/erythroid hematopoiesis in CD34+ cells from human placental and umbilical cord blood.  Bioelectromagnetics, 30, 280-285 (2009)

6.      Sakurai T, Terashima S, Miyakoshi J. : Effects of strong static magnetic fields used in magnetic resonance imaging on insulin-secreting cells. Bioelectromagnetics, 30, 1-8 (2009)



I-2.   原著[和文]



II.     著書



1.      Junji Miyakoshi: Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems; Volume 5, Health Effects of Cell Phone Radiation, (Junji Miyakoshi, Minouk J. Schoemaker, Alan W. Preece, Norbert Leitgeb, Paolo Bernardi, James C. Lin.) James C. Lin. (Editor) Springer, USA (2009)







1.            菊池一貴、櫻井智徳、宮越順二:強定常磁場による筋芽細胞の配向と分化への影響、第48回日本医学放射線学会生物部会学術大会、2009710日〜11日、富山国際会議場、富山市

2.            櫻井智徳、三浦宰、宮越順二:X線による筋管形成阻害に対するIGFの作用、第48回日本医学放射線学会生物部会学術大会、2009710日〜11日、富山国際会議場、富山市

3.            E. Narita1, T. Sakurai1, M. Taki2, J. Miyakoshi1Influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field at 2.45 GHZ on neurite outgrowth in PC12VG cells. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 31th Annual Meeting, June 14-19, 2009. (Davos, Switzerland)

4.            T. Sakurai, T. Kiyokawa, J. MiyakoshiThe effects of strong static magnetic fields on astrocyte differentiation. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 31th Annual Meeting, June 14-19, 2009. (Davos, Switzerland)

5.            T. Sakurai, T. Kiyokawa, J. Miyakoshi: The effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on adipogenesis. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 31th Annual Meeting, June 14-19, 2009. (Davos, Switzerland)

6.            T.Kiyokawa, T. Sakurai, J. Miyakoshi: Effects of magnetic fields generated by induction heating (IH) coktops on mutagenicity and HSP expression in cultured cells. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 31th Annual Meeting, June 14-19, 2009. (Davos, Switzerland)